A NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS: In 2009, President Obama issued the Cyberspace Policy Review, which tasked the Department of Homeland security with creating an ongoing cybersecurity awareness campaign – Stop.Think.Connect.™ – to help Americans understand the risks that come with being online.
A NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS – Stop.Think.Connect.™ challenges Americans to be more vigilant about practicing safe online habits and encourages them to view Internet safety as a shared responsibility at home, in the workplace, and in our communities.
How do you use the Internet?
• What are your main concerns about using the Internet?
• Have you ever had your identity stolen?
• Do you have antivirus software on your computer and update it
on a regular basis?
Email, instant messaging, and personal websites now provide easy ways for everyone to stay connected, informed, and involved with family and friends. The Internet also provides an easy way to shop, plan travel, and manage finances.
• Many scammers target Americans ages 65 and older via emails and websites for charitable donations, online dating services, online auctions, buyer’s clubs, health insurance, prescription medications,
and health care.
• Many of the crimes that occur in real life – happen on the Internet too. Credit card fraud and identity theft, embezzlement, and more – all can be and are being done online.
• At home, at work, and in the community, our growing use of technology, coupled with increasing cyber threats and risks to our privacy, demands greater security in our online world.