This course reviews the scope and extent of the cyber security threat, and the types of exposures an organization can face. Businesses that sell products or services online, process transactions, advertise through digital media, ship/distribute their goods using a tracking system are all susceptible to cyber threats.
In addition to identifying typical cyber threats faced by most companies using an online platform, the course also explains how cyber insurance addresses most of these cyber loss exposures. The course also emphasizes the importance of a company using a broad range of non-insurance risk management strategies to also address these exposures.
As a result of this training you will:
- Recognize and understand how cyber security threats have evolved and become more sophisticated over time.
- Analyze the major coverage provisions in cyber security insurance, including coverage for first- and third-party risks.
- Understand the importance of a comprehensive, coordinated cyber security risk management program, and the capabilities and limitations of cyber insurance in such a program.