<h3 style="text-align: center;"><span class="JsGRdQ"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-21912" src="https://ancient.cybermaterial.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Giorgio-Patrini.png" alt="" width="1200" height="800" /></span></h3> <blockquote> <p style="text-align: left;">"The biggest danger, therefore, is not how <a href="https://ancient.cybermaterial.com/definition-deepfake/">deepfakes</a> may impact governments or sophisticated institutions, but how <a href="https://ancient.cybermaterial.com/definition-deepfake/">deepfakes</a> may infiltrate spaces such as social media and personal or trusted interactions." <strong><span class="JsGRdQ">Giorgio Patrini - </span><span class="JsGRdQ">CEO and Chief Scientist at Sensity.ai </span></strong></p> </blockquote> <strong>Source:<a href="https://spectrum.ieee.org/will-deepfakes-detection-be-ready-for-2020"> Spectrum</a> - Deepfakes may impact governments</strong> <strong>About Giorgio Patrini:</strong> <p style="text-align: justify;">He is the Cofounder and CEO at Sensity, formerly called Deeptrace, an AI security startup detecting and monitoring online visual threats such as “deepfakes”.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="ng-star-inserted">Giorgio Patrini</span> has 2 current jobs as <span class="component--field-formatter field-type-text_short ng-star-inserted" title="Member of Advisory Committee">Member of Advisory Committee</span> at <span class="ng-star-inserted">The World Economic Forum</span> and <span class="component--field-formatter field-type-text_short ng-star-inserted" title="CEO and Chief Scientist">CEO and Chief Scientist</span> at <a class="component--field-formatter field-type-identifier link-accent ng-star-inserted" title="Sensity" role="link" href="https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/deeptrace" aria-label="Sensity"><span class="ng-star-inserted">Sensity</span></a>. Additionally, <span class="ng-star-inserted">Giorgio Patrini</span> has had 2 past jobs including <span class="component--field-formatter field-type-text_short ng-star-inserted" title="Postdoctoral Researcher">Postdoctoral Researcher</span> at <span class="ng-star-inserted">University of Amsterdam</span>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">His team’s work has been covered by CNN, BBC, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Wired, BuzzFeed, Fortune, Al Jazheera (TV), Vox (with 700k+ views on YouTube), and Infotagion (podcast by British MP Damian Collins).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher working on deep generative models with Max Welling at the University of Amsterdam. He built privacy-preserving distributed machine learning systems at Data61, part of the Australian Federal Government. He defended my PhD at the Australian National University, advised by Richard Nock and Tiberio Caetano. His thesis was on weakly supervised (deep) learning and privacy. He received my BSc and MSc from Milan Polytechnic with a thesis on Nash equilibrium computation. In 2012 he co-founded Waynaut, a mobility startup acquired by Lastminute.com.</p>