Podcast Overview
Episode 117: Must-Have Skills for Today’s CIOs
Digital transformation requires CIOs to build an ever-expanding set of skills, not just technical but also very well-versed on people skills. In this Gartner ThinkCast conversation, Gartner’s Suzanne Adnams and Bruce Robertson discuss the people skills today’s CIO needs for success.
Suzanne Adnams is a research vice president at Gartner:
“It doesn’t mean that the CIO has to be the expert in everything or be perfect in all of these skills by any stretch of the imagination. I mean, the executive colleagues that they’re going to be working with aren’t experts in any of these either. But the CIO has to break into that group, and that have to have probably even greater competency and work harder on developing those skills, so that they can become part of that executive circle.”